What Makes Firebase A Must Have For Any Development Team?

February 21, 2019 Sunny Arora 2327 Views
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Building an application from scratch to end can be a very lengthy and exhaustive process and incorporates very significant involvements of time and effort. It calls for the requirement of several services which can help you not lose track and help conduct the progress smoothly and seamlessly. Firebase is one of the best in this regard that can help you eliminate a significant part of the burden and helps ease the work for developers and project managers.

Firebase was started initially in 2011 and released commercially in April 2012 by Andrew Lee and James Tamplin. It was initially devised to be a real-time database which would give its API with the intention of letting users store and synchronize information across customers. Following its acquisition by Google two years post its release, it has managed to incorporate all the important functionalities and features which any entrepreneurs or mobile app development company would seek for its development process.

Firebase now stands as one most used frameworks when it comes to building a portable and flexible data base for your business application which can communicate one change to the entire team involved in the project. Hence it gives a basic and unified platform with plenty of google features packed in one which helps maintain smoothness and harmony amongst developers and clients.

Let’s take a look at few of the benefits of using Firebase:

Real Time Database

A real-time database is a cloud-hosted database where data is synchronized using JSON and synchronized continuously for each associated client. In the process of building cross-platform applications with iOS, Android and javascript, the consequential part of your customer’s demand is based on one real-time database and then getting updates with the most significant amount of current data.

When utilizing the feature of Firebase, there is no necessity to make your own database or own API. Firebase handles every component that is concerned with creating a backend for applications. It lets you have an adaptable and expression-based rules for a language that helps you define the ways of organizing your data.


Hosting is a production-grade web content that facilitates developers. Utilizing facility of hosting you can rapidly and effectively send web applications and send static content to a content delivery system. This is fairly easy to process in firebase as it contains features like the custom domain support, Global CDN and an Auto Provisional SSL certificate ideas. Be it your project consists of a simple application landing page or a complex progressive web application. Hosting lets you avail the necessary features and infrastructure and tooling tailored to convey and message static websites.


Firebase authentication lets any backend service avail simply to use SDKs and instant UI libraries which lets clients confirm over an application. It supports authentication using email, passwords and usernames as well. Via this you can use sign into your Firebase app using Firebase UI as a complete drop-in authentication using the Firebase Authentication SDK to manually integrate one or a few sign-in techniques for your applications access.


Firebase has inbuilt storage facilities for those who need to store and serve user-generated content, lets say photos and videos. It lets you securely transfer documents for Firebase applications, regardless of any intrusions in network quality. You can utilize the feature to store pictures, sound, video or any other piece of user generated content. Firebase storage is governed by user google cloud storage which is equally capable, basic and constitutes towards a cost effective object storage device.

Cloud Messaging

Cloud Messaging is a cross platform messaging solution that lets you dependably convey messages at zero expense. This way you can inform any customer that a new email or information is accessible to the sync. Not only this but you can always go a step ahead and send user to drive user re engagement and maintenance.

Test Lab

Test lab comes to the rescue when you need to test your applications on gadgets hosted in a Google Data center. It helps you come across that change from gadget to gadget in terms of configuration. This way you can help yourself find mistakes and bugs pertaining to a specific gadget or platform. A test result includes logs, videos and screenshots which are available within your project even with the firebase console. In case you haven’t composed any test code for your application, test lab can constantly practice it on your application looking for crashes and issues.

Dynamic Linking

Dynamic Links are smart URLs that dynamically change behaviour in order to provide the best experience across various platforms. This can be used in web, email, social media, referral or any promotions for increasing user acquisition, maintenance, and add any value to gain end-to-end understanding all of your activities in the development channels through analytics obtained through the firebase console.

Considering the advantages the Firebase interface consists of everything that would be required to begin a fruitful business and check if your current configuration is oriented towards the right direction. Keeping in mind the analytics, development, growth and money making considerations any one who wishes to hire mobile app developers for a particular skill set shall want to harness the platform for long continued success. This contributes a lot to the quality of an application helping any developer save time and channelizing more towards the core functionalities.

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sunny Every aspiring team of skilled professionals is incomplete without the guidance and path provider of a leader and Sunny is just that figure to BrainMobi. As a highly experienced techie Sunny has a terrific vision of where the best skill can be channelized and has rightfully served the purpose of meeting passionate professionalism with opportunity. His great knowledge and ability to communicate is also worth noting.