Why Your Favorite Food App Is Amateur and Below Average

May 18, 2018 Ashish Sharma 2925 Views
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Food Service Mobile Apps have not just saved the culture of eating but also saved many women of this country from being non-consensual chiefs. While feminist friendly apps like Zomato, Swiggy and Food Panda have contributed to greatly to the connection between cafe owners and food lovers, but considering the current technology there is still a lot of features that can make the experience a ton times more smarter.

From the experience of one of the top app development company let us explain to you why all the pre-existing food applications in India are riding along the edge of a cliff and a much better food app is awaiting the hands of someone ready to take the responsibility. Let us look at a few reasons why:

Food Discovery Apps are Still a Lot About Meaningless Promotions

Ever had this experience where you turned up to your food app on a normal day to order your favourite dish and ended up getting flooded with tons of restaurant screens which serve nothing close to what you expect. This is because the lucrative screens of high flying restaurants and cafes paid them to get noticed as getting noticed in such a circumstance might be beneficial for your business.

Now you might expect a food app like a dedicated food lover is dedicated to help you find your most accurate search but hereby lie the flaws

  • Good Food is art and great taste can be delivered in limited resources
  • Food lovers have an independent choice and would prefer to attend such indie spots rather than the one featured in your favourite tv serial
  • The Cafe featured in your favourite tv serial fears this and doesn’t want the consumers around to know this
  • Food App in the end of the day needs to make money too and the dedicated food lovers guide might not help them that much
  • So they are also inclined to resort themselves to promote brands which can afford to promote themselves
  • Food Lovers who have an independent choice are very rare especially in a country like India

Food apps are very useful when you go to an alien city and when you have no localities to advice you, and the brand business trap can engulf you into finding a paid experience rather than a choice experience.

Search Parameters Suck

Ever had the experience where you turned up to your food app to look up for a certain dish whose name you entered into the search space and were rather diverted to a list of restaurants instead of the dishes. And now you have to make an extensive search once again from its menu to find your catch. With the kind of apps and data structuring available these days, it might totally be possible that your search result could be aimed just at a list of results and not just a list of more choices. Besides this while setting all the parameters for your search task might seem very hectic it is a total possibility that your system might to keep a track of all your preferences. Your system shall be able to deliver results accordingly until and unless some fortunate day you get extra rich and you can eat more costly food (which although tastes the same).

food app ui

Machine Learning Is Smarter Than You Expect

Your system has the ability to keep track of your food routines and preferences. Based on that your food app should be able to perform your mundane routines or give you better choices revolving around the same. This shall once again save you from decision fatigue as proper food indexing shall make AI take the responsibility of listing the choices. This can range from your regular budgets, to better budgets, to more better budgets on your girlfriends bday to better offers to better ambiences to other specific factors like karoke, open air, DJs or just silent zones.

Reviews Can Be Used As Data And Not Just Content

Review feature could actually be the most appreciated and communicating feature of any food app but this is when you are targeting a particular restaurant. In our opinion a good food app should be able to understand your expectations and restaurant experiences are not quantifiable to empirical data would not work. But recent endeavours in AI and language recognition have made it a possibility to understand language and this way any reviews regarding a particular restaurant can be treated as data. This in the later future can help AI fetch matches based on certain strings that could actually be the only mode to your desired experience. Of Course this isn’t on the cards straight away and will take a good deal of implementation missions to create results. However someone who starts this implementation right away will get to avail just a feature in the future ahead of those who realize it that time.

As one of the most best UI and UX design company, BrainMobi has taken several endeavors in field of dating and travel apps. We are aware with the kind of difficulties and mistakes app enthusiasts tend to make on technical grounds. Our development strategies and methodology shall help you retain focus on your creativity and help you achieve the best solution in terms of technological

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ashish Ashish is a content specialist at BrainMobi and contributes towards building its business. As a keen enthusiast in technologies and software, Ashish aims to keeps its readers constantly updated with current breakthroughs and advancements in mobile domain. He aims to bridge the communication gap between coders and aspiring mobile app developers by lending them the best insights and information that could come valuable to them in terms of keeping updated with the current trends in the field of this particular knowledge.