There are a lot of factors affecting the success of mobile apps. The design is a decisive factor in determining the success or failure of your app. A good design helps in giving a good first impression to your customers. With the amount of competition in the mobile app market, it is more important now, than ever, to stand out in the market and to develop a unique identity for the brand by providing the users a design they won’t forget. It is the combination of a good UI and UX that brings the best out of the design.
While companies realize how important UI and UX are, they end up making a lot of UI/UX mistakes. These mistakes can be easily avoided by paying more attention the UI/UX at every step of the development of your mobile app. Only some of the best mobile app development companies avoid these mistakes successfully. Some of the common UI/UX mistakes that most companies make:
Making UI/UX decisions only while planning the project
UI/UX is supposed to improve at every step of the development process and even after the mobile app is launched in the market. The choice of what they like and dislike is best given to the users. Let your users decide what they like and dislike and reflect upon their choices through updates to the design. Every successful app started simple and just iterated as per the likings of the users.
Not seeing UI/UX as the responsibility of the whole team
More often than not, UI/UX is left as the sole responsibility of a department or individual designers. This limits the improvements in the design since the creativity of a single individual is always lower than that of multiple teams. Very often, people from non-design teams have brilliant ideas regarding the designs. Hence they must be included in the design process. With a focused goal, the team can give better designs if they work as a unified team. It is a holistic approach since all the members of various teams actively participate in deciding how the design of the product would be.
Not designing for the user
Designers often put their own preference forward in the designs rather than the preferences of the users out of their experience in designing. But it is highly important to understand that different users have different needs, and the users you have worked with might have different preferences than the ones you are working with currently. With a user-centric design approach, your app would evolve to suit the needs of the users instead of suiting the needs of the developers and designers. Moreover, audience retention would increase if they get what they seek out of your app in terms of look and feel of the app.
Not being unique
In order to grow your company like the company that you admire, you might want to imitate them in any possible way, hoping that this would improve you. But when you imitate other companies, you tend to forget that your audience is here for you only because of the uniqueness you are offering. If they had to get the same UI/UX that the big companies offer, they would go to the big companies for that. They might come to you for getting their job done at lower rates but that kind of audience isn’t going to stick with you when you raise your prices. Hence it is always best to make your unique design which is innovative and valuable for your users. Analyze the trends you see in the market and within your app and apply this insight to improve upon your design. Your users would stick with you only if you give them what they want.
Complex/Overcrowded Design
Some of the best UI/UX developers find it better to have a simple UI and a smooth UX. It doesn’t always have to be fancy and intricate to be good. Complex designs may be counter-productive since the user has too many distractions or confusing call-to-actions. Good designs can be elegant while being simple. Complex designs are well appreciated in games, in apps we use day to day, they should be used sparingly. A good designer always knows that it is better to focus on the strength of the brand rather than randomly stuffing elements into the app’s design.
Using same UI/UX for different platforms
Let’s face it, it is annoying when an Android app is designed to be exactly a duplicate of the iOS version of the app. This must be avoided for the users to have a better experience on the app. Every platform gives specific interface guidelines. Pay attention to them and stay true to these guidelines as much as possible.
If you’re looking for a mobile app development company to develop UI/UX without any of the aforementioned mistakes, look no further. Our team out here in BrainMobi has every individual giving their suggestions on improving the UI/UX of the app. Get in touch with us at sales@brainmobi.com to know more about how our team can help you make the most appealing app you’ve ever seen.
As the proverb goes, “to err is human”. Let us know in the comments below which of the aforementioned errors you commit!