Learn the Art of Mobile App Marketing

August 31, 2017 Shashank Mehrotra 3349 Views
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Mobile app marketing is a lot more than a skill you develop over time. It is an art, and quite an important one for both you, as a digital marketer, as well as your company. It takes a lot of time and effort to reach anywhere in the field and also a constant will to change the methods used to improve the efficiency of the campaigns. Needless to say, the campaigns change as well. If planned properly and executed accordingly, these campaigns lead to astounding results. But how do you go about making these campaigns and getting good at mobile app marketing? Well, here are a few ways that work really good:

Know Your Customer
You probably would have heard this phrase like a bazillion times and you might even be tired of hearing it again and again but trust me, you can’t have an audience of value if you don’t know who your audience is and what they want. Thus the primary rule for learning and mastering the art of mobile app marketing is to know your customers. Know what they like, know what they dislike, know what keeps them glued to the app, know what keeps them away from the app, know what would entertain them, know what wouldn’t, know what is the best time for you to run your campaign, know for how long their attention would last. Know everything, about your customers, that pertains to your campaign. Most important find patterns in their behavior. It is these patterns that help you save a lot of time and effort while running your campaign.

Fix an Objective
A campaign without a fixed direction has no chance of being successful. If both of your legs didn’t move in the same direction and moved haphazardly in different directions instead, you would reach nowhere, and you would probably end up hurting yourself while wasting your energy. Likewise, if you don’t fix an objective, your campaign is going to cost you a lot of time, money and energy, all of which would simply go to waste. To avoid this, have a clear and concise goal about what you want to achieve with your campaign. Know exactly what it is that you want your campaign to do. And keep pursuing that goal until you achieve it.

Be the Best
By “be the best”, I mean that your app needs to be the best, you already are the best! The experience that the customers get from your app is what decides whether your app is going to be a success or not. It is critical for you to ensure that the quality of the services provided in your app, as well as the quality of your app itself is never sacrificed, and that your app is as good as it gets. This will not only ensure that you get more customers, but also that you’ll retain most of your customers even when you start monetizing your app in the future.

Keep Updating
One of the most important piece of advice that every good mobile app marketer would give you is that keep changing your strategies. Start with something, gain insights, change your plans according to the insight, start with the new plan and keep repeating till success is achieved. Humans are very unpredictable, so something that worked for someone just might not work for you. If a group of people responds positively to something, there would definitely be another group which would respond negatively. Sadly, you never know which group is which in the beginning. Hence it is important to reflect on the results of the campaigns.

BrainMobi is one of the best mobile app development companies. With a proven track record and an ace team of mobility experts, we have proved why we are one of the best companies out there. Contact us at sales@brainmobi.com to get your app built by us.

While this looks like the end, it isn’t. I believe in updating, and hence you would see another update really soon! Let me know what the art of mobile app marketing means to you in the comments below.

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Categories:Mobile Marketing

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danielcraig Shashank was the Co-founder of BrainMobi and was working as IT Business Analyst, leading the Marketing and Business Analysis division along with Operations at BrainMobi. Shashank loves to write about emerging technologies, mobile innovation, user experience and the way it shapes our world so that users can access the best tips in mobile app development.